Add Watermark on Videos : Watermark Maker

The identity of the entity, including the owner and users of the video, is crucial for gaining the spotlight. Individuals or organizations deserving credit for creating amazing and enlightening videos should receive a special mention or be highlighted in front of the spectators.

The identity of the entity, including the owner and users of the video, is crucial for gaining the spotlight. Individuals or organizations deserving credit for creating amazing and enlightening videos should receive a special mention or be highlighted in front of the spectators.

Furthermore, any logo or watermark that needs to be spread across different slides of the video is of equal importance, and we provide this feature diligently with our marvelous application. You can add digital watermarks to all your videos, adjusting transparency according to your preference. Create customizable watermarks and apply them to your videos for protection from unauthorized use (Copyright) or to establish a digital signature for your brand.

Our user-friendly, fully-loaded application is designed to cater to your watermarking needs and is the best app for creating watermarks and watermarking videos.

Key Features:

  • Create and save watermarks.
  • Preview photos before applying watermarks.
  • Easily create watermarks with editable text, color, size, rotation, backgrounds, and more.
  • Utilize copyright symbols.
  • Advanced text tools for unique typography art and perfect watermarks.
  • Cross Pattern feature to overlay your custom watermarks.

Automatically mark all your videos with a unique watermark to prevent illegal misuse and establish brand recall. Easily share your watermarked videos on all social media platforms.

Getting Started:

Step 1:

  • Launch the ‘Add Watermark on Videos – Watermark Maker’ application on your device.
  •  Click on the ‘My Work’ button to view your completed work.
  • Click on the ‘Watermark’ button to start adding watermarks to your videos.

Step 2:-  Click on the ‘Watermark on Video’ button, and then select your video file to add a watermark.

Step 3:-  After selecting your video or watermark, find the ‘Don’t Move Selected’ button on the left side. Click on it and choose your desired watermark action to apply movement effects to your video.